Where do we go from here?
What will happen with the seven miles of Bear River purchased by NID for the dam, now that the dam is dead?
Will NID continue to hold the lands? Or will NID cash out and transfer ownership? Will lands transfer to a public entity that will manage them for public benefit? Or will lands be sold to the highest bidder in the random open market? Will we lose access to our river?
Whoever owns the lands into the future, the management of the land should support our values and why we came to live here:
- Green Space that enriches riparian and forest health improving our quality of life,
- Fire ecosystem management to protect our communities from wildfire,,
- Fisheries and wildlife habitat to protect our diverse environment,
- Watershed ecological education uplifting our appreciation of where we live,
- Scenic and recreational management that enrich our highest and best social, economic and environmental values.
Our lives and our communities will prosper built on those principles.
Just look at the map below, and the lands NID now owns (shown in tan color). Federal lands managed by BLM are shown in pink.

The California Department of Fish & Wildlife owns the red parcels (the former Bear River campground leased by Placer County). Together, there is almost continuous public ownership of Bear River from Rollins reservoir to Combie Reservoir, from Colfax and Hwy 174 to Meadow Vista.
What makes this Bear River reach special is how close it is to our communities. Accessible 6 minutes off Interstate 80 by either Milk Ranch Road from Colfax or Plum Tree Road from the Canyon Way exit, Bear River park has been operated for decades by Placer County and is much used every year and loved by thousands of people from Placer and beyond.
Downstream of Bear River Public Access is Dog Bar Bridge, which has been a favorite recreational destination accessible from Weimar/Applegate/Meadow Vista and Lake of the Pines (LOP) on the Nevada County side. Decades ago there was even a campground on Dog Bar. The float between the Bear River park and Dog Bar bridge is a favorite of kayakers, rafters and inner tubers every spring and early summer, as it is a gentle yet thrilling float through gorgeous Bear River canyonlands.
Look at how Central the Bear River is to our communities!

Bear River is in the heart of our community. This Open Space defines our rural lifestyle, and with free and open access gives meaning to our rural Sierra Foothill lifestyle.
In addition, there is great opportunity for expanding access to the river. Further downstream from Dog Bar, the river can be reached on Combie Road from Meadow Vista or Rutherford Road from LOP via Magnolia on the Nevada County side. There used to be a bridge connecting the two roads and public access, but unfortunately, NID and the Teichert quarry operations now prevent public access to this part of the river. And the Peaceful Valley road access is also blocked by private owners and NID.
Way upstream above Bear River park and below Hwy 174 is the historic Ben Taylor crossing, which was the old stage crossing from Grass Valley/Nevada City to the railroad in Colfax. NID now owns the old Hansen quarry on the Nevada County side at the end of Dog Bar Road, but that access is blocked by NID. And the access from Ben Taylor Road on the Placer County side is likewise blocked by NID and private ownership.
Imagine for a moment if this seven miles was managed for scenic, recreational and wildlife benefits, with easy public access all along the way. What are the benefits to the community, to the river and to the earth, if these lands remained in public ownership and were managed for our highest and best social, economic, and environmental values? Are you ready? Let’s do this together! As a concerned citizen, join in the dialogue, and become part of the collaborative. .
And, if you want to really dream big, the future of the Bear River is NOT just about the future of the NID post-Centennial Dam property disposition or the Bear River Campground future. Relax, sit back, and take a tour of what the possible futures are for the whole Bear River watershed. Visit BearPARC’s Watershed Vision page.